Opened Email

Customer opened an email

Type: Activity Transformation


    NVL(sg_event_id, sg_message_id) as activity_id
    , o.timestamp as ts 
    , NULL as anonymous_customer_id
    , email as customer
    , 'opened_email' as activity
    , o.category AS feature_1
    , NULL as feature_2
    ,  CASE 
			WHEN nullif ( substring ( regexp_substr ( useragent , '\ [^;| |/]*' ) , 3 , 30 ) , '' ) in ( 'iphone' , 'android' , 'blackberry' , 'ipad' ) 
      	then 'mobile' 
      ELSE 'desktop'
		 END as feature_3
    , NULL as revenue_impact
    , NULL as link
FROM sendgrid.opens o

Clicked Email

    NVL(sg_event_id, sg_message_id) as activity_id
    , c.timestamp as ts 

    , NULL as anonymous_customer_id
    , email as customer
    , 'clicked_email' as activity
    , c.category AS feature_1
    ,  CASE 
			WHEN nullif ( substring ( regexp_substr ( useragent , '\ [^;| |/]*' ) , 3 , 30 ) , '' ) in ( 'iphone' , 'android' , 'blackberry' , 'ipad' ) 
      then 'mobile' 
			ELSE 'desktop'
		 END as feature_2
    , NULL as feature_3
    , NULL as revenue_impact
    , c.url as link

Spam Reported

    NVL(sg_event_id, sg_message_id) as activity_id
    , s.timestamp as ts 

    , NULL as anonymous_customer_id
    , email as customer
    , 'reported_spam' as activity
    , s.category AS feature_1
    , NULL as feature_2
    , NULL as feature_3
    , NULL as revenue_impact
    , NULL as link
FROM sendgrid.spamreport s

Why not add Received email?
We recommend not adding the concept of a received_email as an activity because it leads to a lot of bad analysis. Receiving an email doesn't really mean anything to the user. If they open it then you know it was received by the user.

We have seen so many cases of people looking at conversion from received_email and thinking one campaign is better than another when it is nearly always driven by the opened_email



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