
New plots are here!

Scatterplots, donut plots, and funnel plots ... oh my!


Instant analysis in our new Metrics Bar

We now show more useful analytical information about your dataset in a new, upgraded Metrics Bar.


Link your BI dashboards to their dataset integrations

Help your team understand the dependencies for each Narrator dataset by linking any downstream reporting dashboards.


Auto-save your datasets

Datasets need to be saved after every change, this can be a lot of work when you're constantly iterating through modifications. That's why Narrator now supports "Auto Save", which will automatically save your dataset every few seconds.


Reorder group by tabs with drag and drop

Stay organized by re-ordering the group by tabs in a dataset with drag and drop!


Unlimited features on a single activity

You can now add as many features as you want on a single activity!


Undo Identity Resolution

Previously ID resolution was an irreversible process, but now can you apply and undo user mappings again and again.


Undo Remove List Processing

Previously remove list processing was an irreversible process, but now can you apply and undo remove list logic again and again.


Control the Start Day of Week

You can now override the start day for each week within the Company Settings > Processing Configuration. This will control the first day of the week to the day you specify for all datasets (new and existing).


More control over your default processing

Now Narrator users have more control over their default processing settings.