Increase revenue by optimizing the collective order.

Do discount codes increase average order value?

Discount codes are a useful tool to increase average basket size. Find out which ones work for your customers.

Build the Analysis
ALL Completed Order

Increase Average of Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Discount Code
by month

Is there a certain time of day that people spend more?*

Ex. A grocery eCommerce brand discovered people spent more money when shopping between 4-6pm, so they implemented flash sales to create more urgency and capitalize on shoppers during that time.

Build the Analysis
ALL Completed Order

Increase Average of Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Hour of Day
by month

Does the order amount change as people order more?

How much should you invest in loyalty and retention programs? Find out the value of an existing customer to decide.

Build the Analysis
ALL Completed Order

Increase Average of Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Activity Occurrence
by month

Does chatting with a virtual stylist lead to higher cart values?

Are the extra staffing costs worth it?

Build the Analysis
ALL Started Session
FIRST IN BETWEEN Completed Order

FIRST IN BETWEEN Started Chat (only before first completed order)

Filter where Did Completed Order = 1
Add a revenue impact feature for Completed Order

Increase Average of Completed Order Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Did Started Chat
by month

Are referral customers worth more than normal customers?

Sometimes referred customers can be your most valuable. Find out.

Build the Analysis
FIRST Completed Order

LAST BEFORE Received Referral

Add column for SUM(Revenue Impact) from Completed Order, rename to lifetime value

Increase Average of Lifetime Value (Sum of revenue impact) ($)
by analyzing the influence of Did Received Referral
by month

What age demographic spends the most?

Narrow in on your target audience.

Build the Analysis
ALL Completed Order
Add column for customer age

Increase Average of Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Age
by month

Do men or women spend more on each order?

Narrow in on your target audience.

Build the Analysis
ALL Completed Order
Add column for customer gender

Increase Average of Revenue Impact ($)
by analyzing the influence of Gender
by month

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