
LIST_AGG() columns for Aggregate Activity Relationships

Users can now create a list of values from a collection of append activities using the LIST_AGG(...) function for aggregate relationships in dataset.


Runtime Optimizations for Large Datasets

Large datasets will run even faster with the recent optimizations in Narrator. When running a query on a large dataset, you may notice two helpful defaults appear:


Support for Branded Color Palettes in Plots

In addition to customizing the company logo in Narratives, you can now personalize plot colors in the Company Settings.


One-Click to Duplicate in Dataset Definitions

Quickly add similar activity logic within a dataset definition with the handy duplicate function.


Better Visibility for Transformation Processing History

You'll now be able to see all of the details and history about a transformation's processing, including last resync, last reconciliation, and last ID resolution. This is one of many recent improvements to processing visibility, so you'll be able to know exactly what happened with your data and when.


Helpful SQL added to Scratchpad

Stop writing and re-writing the same queries to validate the data in your transformation. By default, the scratchpad contains helpful SQL snippets that you can use to quickly explore and validate the data in your transformation.


Easier linking for enrichment tables

Adding enrichment tables is becoming much easier!


Custom Freehand Functions

Add custom functions to your Narrator account that can be used by anyone in a dataset.


Multi-step Funnel Conversion

Narrator supports multi-step funnel conversion rates in dataset.

Funnel analyses are crucial to understanding how your users are progressing through your product or sales funnel. Often times, we want to measure a specific sequence of events where the conversion rate between each is conditioned on the fact that they completed all the prior events.


Scatter Plots

Scatter plots are here!