Inspiration for Data Questions

What should we ask our data?

Can't think of a question? Here's some inspiration...

Funnel Dropoff

Is there a part of the funnel that you suspect users are dropping off? Maybe you can understand drop-off between two actions a user can take.

Ex. How many users set up an account, but never visit the product again after that?

Time to do an Action

Have you ever wondered how long it takes for customers do an action? Do you have any hypotheses about how long it may take to do it faster or slower?

Ex. How long does it close a sales lead? Do people close faster if they open an email from our urgency campaign?

Behavior Before/After

Have you ever wondered what users are doing before they complete a key action (like sign up, convert, engage)?

Ex. How many products does a customer view before checking out?

User Segmentation

Do you know who your high value users are? Are some users more likely to be high value than others?

Ex. Which users have generated the most revenue? Which lead channel brings us the highest value customers?