Adding Activities to Narrator

Define activities by writing simple SQL. Learn how to manage the data processing and control how each activity shows up for end-users in the Dataset Tool.


  • You'll have full control over business definitions, data processing, and scheduling
  • You'll add your first activities to Narrator, enabling your team to start building datasets

Before you start

Part 1: How to Create an Activity

Adding an activity [tutorial]

  • Defining an activity transformation [more info]
  • Choosing Columns
  • Which columns are required?
  • Naming your activities (best practices) [more info]
  • Source and Source_ID: Used for Identity Resolution [more info]
  • Validating your transformation [more info]
  • What happens when you push to production?

Viewing your activity in dataset

Controlling Activity Details in Dataset ​[more info]

  • Renaming features
  • Adding activity descriptions
  • Changing the activity name

Monitoring Processing ​[more info]

  • Understanding the activity stream processing in narrator
  • Run Transformations Job
  • Updating the processing schedule

📝 Practice: Add an activity

Define a new activity

  • Define the SQL
  • Did you follow proper naming conventions?
  • Did you rename the activity features after pushing to production?
  • Create a dataset using your activity
    Note: It’s recommended to start with an activity where the customer is known (logged in) or identified. Email activities are a great one for this, or sign up/purchase activities.

Part 2: Advanced Transformation Processing

Controlling transformation specific processing

Part 3: Additional Transformation Types

Other transformation types

Additional Reading:

  • Creating activities from multiple transformations ​[more info]

📝 Practice: Add a customer table

Create your first customer table.

  • Did you include any customer attributes that could be associated with activities instead?
  • Did you label the customer columns so that dataset users can understand them?
  • Can you view those details in the customer journey?

That's it!

Congrats you've completed the Creator Core Curriculum, giving you a solid foundation to get started building, designing, and managing your Company 360. Now any user can start building datasets and self-serving analyses in Narrator.

What’s Next

See additional trainings available to you: